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Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Order Memphis Heat TODAY!
Hear the stories of beginning, the height, and the end of the longest running territory in wrestling from the people who lived it!
This no bootleg, it is packaged and straight from the distributors! The DVD includes the documentary and special features which include interviews and stories from Jerry Lawler, Jimmy Hart, Bill Dundee, Jerry Jarrett and many more!
Click below to order!
Sunday, August 27, 2017
"The Pink Flamingo" Brian SoFine (Part 1)
Listen to ""The Pink Flamingo" Brian SoFine (Part 1)" on Spreaker.
Tonight on the show, in the MAIN EVENT we will be playing Part 1 of our interview with “The Pink Flamingo” Brian SoFine!
Thursday, August 24, 2017
A wrestling podcast GAME SHOW !! New Who Wants to Be The Best Shizniter Ever?
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
NEW STS !! Kevin Gill joins the show!!
Monday, August 21, 2017
Quick Results from the New South 2 Year Anniversary Show on August 19th!
Quick Results:
Donnie Primetime wins the Pre Show BATTLE ROYAL
1)War Horse Jake Parnell defeated Alex Rudolph in an Last Viking Standing Match
2)The Dutchess Ayzali beat Kayla Lynn in an I Quit Match
3) The Dumpster Divers beat The Violent Gentlemen and The Monarchy in a 3 Way Tag Team LADDER MATCH to become first ever New South Tag Team Champions
4) Nick Traimer beat Juggernaut Jeremy Flynt with Kris McInnis
5) Austin Theory defeated Tripp Cassidy
6) Baron Black retained the New South Championship against Odinson in a Steel Cage Match.
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Baron Black defending against Odinson in a the Steel Cage! |
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Cabana Man Dan scaled the huge ladder for the Dumpster Divers to win the tag gold!! |
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His partner Dump Sanders earned some stitches in the process! |
"10 Count" with 1/2 of the "Classic Connection" Levi Shapiro
Sunday, August 20, 2017
"Golden Boy" Greg Anthony (Part 2)
Listen to ""Golden Boy" Greg Anthony (Part 2)" on Spreaker.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Journey of a Journeyman: Depression
The topic of today's entry is mental illness, specifically clinical depression. This is where I may lose some readers, and if so, that's fine. Please join me on a more wrestling-centric blog in the future. However, today this is the topic of my ramblings.
Clinical depression is a very real medical condition, one that often goes overlooked and undiagnosed. In this "tough guy" business, this is often pushed aside as a case of the blues, or seen as a performer being weak minded. However, as I have felt the effects of this illness, and they are crippling.
I was first diagnosed with anxiety and depress in 2014, and since then I have been on and off a myriad of prescriptions and in and out of therapy sessions. Anyone who knows me knows that it is out of character for me to resort to medication or opening up about my feelings. That's just not how I roll. However, depression is a different beast than anything I've ever faced.
While therapy was/is a challenge for me, admitting to myself that I need medication is a huge blow to my ego. The side effects take an already huge undertaking and make it seem impassable. One drug makes me feel like a zombie. Another drug curbs my depression, but also makes me numb to the entire world. For a time, including while I type this, you even attempt to self-medicate, using yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques to stave off the symptoms of the disease. At the end of the day, I just put in a renewal request for the medication that messed with me the least.
I share this with you for multiple reasons.
- To show that I am just like you. A member of the human race, with flaws, challenges, and personal demons.
- To bring attention to mental illness. If you notice someone suffering, offer help! If you yourself are suffering, get help!
- To vent. After all, this is my blog, used to share my outlooks on life, wrestling, and everything in between.
However, just like the match, for every high, there is a low. Physical pain from the bodily abuse. Emotional pain from the lonely nights. Disappointment at your situation. Regret for missing an opportunity. Frustration in your daily life. All are real triggers that the illness feeds on.
I'm not pushing medication. However you deal, as long as it's healthy, I'm all for it. Just be sure to deal. Realize some things are out of your control. Tackle those that are in your control. Be the best you that you can be.
I love you all!
- Jeremiah Plunkett
Pro Wrestling Tees Store
Collar X Elbow Brand - Use discount code: PLUNKIE
Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat - Plunkitis
Booking Inquiries
Memphis Wrestling show featuring the Beach Boys...
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Van VanHorn vs One Man Gang
NEW STS with Van "The Man" VanHorn!
Latest News on Ric Flair Surgery
According to a tweet by Legacy Talent CEO Melinda Morris Zanoni, the surgery was a “success” and was not heart-related.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Ric Flair Update
Ric Flair Undergoing Emergency Surgery
Details of his condition have not been released.
Flair was hospitalized over the weekend for unknown reasons.
We will update further as more information becomes available.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Check out "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart on WTVA News in Tupelo
Classic Continental Pics from 1988 featuring Paul Heyman!
Friday, August 11, 2017
Cheap Heat: Do Championships mean anything anymore??
When I was a kid, I was a big fan of championship betls. It was my dream to own a real belt one day. I tried to be an encyclopedia of pro wrestling history growing up and made it a point to learn the history of all my favorite wrestling championships. I remember how exciting it was when Jerry 'the King' Lawler finally won the AWA World Championship on May 9th, 1988. (I didn't google that, I legit remembered the date when Jerry Lawler won the World title because it was a huge deal to me at the time.)
I remember how excited I was when the Rock & Roll Express beat the Russians to win the NWA World Tag Team Championship from the Russians in Mid-Atlantic in 1985.
It was a big deal back then because not everybody won World Championships, hell not everybody won championships period. Granted they bounced around in Memphis quite a bit with the weekly Monday night show, but when I was a kid.....WWF Intercontinental Title changes were few and far between, NWA United States Champions were a pretty elite group. Even the NWA World Television title was mostly held by really solid workers. Back then to be a "former World Champion" was a huge deal because only a small handful of guys got to earn that distinction. I remember when they would say a "former World Champion" was coming to a territory it was a big deal and it narrowed down who they could have been referring to. What made me think about this was recently Wrestlecade has been teasing guests for this year's event and everyday they've been teasing "former World Champions" and I realized that group isn't so small or elite anymore. In the late 90's "Monday Night War" era....titles started bouncing around constantly.
There are TONS of guys from my childhood who were amazing workers who NEVER held the World Heavyweight Championship....Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts, Ted Dibiase, Arn Anderson, and the list goes on and on. Now days, if a guy is on the roster for more than a few months without being the champion fans complain they are being "buried". Jinder Mahal was getting squashed on RAW by Finn Balor and literally just a couple of weeks later he's the WWE World Champion on Smackdown. Look at the main event scene in WWE right now...Bray Wyatt, Finn Balor, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, The Miz, Kevin Owens, and AJ Styles have all held the title. Where do they go from there? Once you pass the belt around this much anything they do outside the title picture seems like a step down and it hurts the fans perception of them. The US title and IC title have had their moments in recent years but for the most part they've just been passed around and defended on pre-shows to the point there's little to no prestige to be had from them compared to the days of guys like Mr. Perfect and Randy Savage as IC Champion or Ricky Steamboat and Rick Rude as US Champion. The tag team division has come and gone in recent years with the titles often being held by thrown together teams for short periods of time.
Granted championships in wrestling have always been a "prop" albeit a useful one that feuds and storylines could build off for weeks and months, and sometimes years. However with all the "hot potato" action in more recent years and having so many different champions for short periods of time, has the importance and prestige of the wrestling championships been diminished? Is it really that impressive for someone to be a "former World Champion"? Does it mean much to be a "multiple time champion" these days? Is it fair that John Cena will end up breaking the record of "Nature Boy" Ric Flair in an era where the comparison is really apples and oranges?? The answer in my opinion is...it's all in the booking. There have been guys who have been booked well that's brought some prestige back to the US and IC titles for short periods of time. There's independent companies that have made their title mean something based on how they book the championship and who they allow to hold it. Like everything in wrestling, it's another aspect that has evolved and changed and it's subjective whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. As a fan, I don't think it's something that can really be changed or fixed but I think things like the extended title reigns of CM Punk as WWE Champion and the New Day as WWE Tag Team Champions breaking Demolition's record will make them stand out in recent wrestling history more so than their counterparts but in the big scheme of things does that really even matter? Again, it's subjective but I know for me I miss the days where I was actually excited to see someone become the champion the way I was on May 9, 1988 when Jerry Lawler finally became AWA World Champion.
Kevin (Steen) Owens is my favorite wrestler these days but I couldn't begin to tell you what month he won the ROH World Title or even the month he won the WWE Universal Title, much less the day. But it's still super cool in my book that he got that opportunity when so many said he wouldn't...so there's still an element of accomplishment regardless of the sentiment of old school fans who long for the good old days......just remember, even back in the day Ronnie Garvin beat Ric Flair for the NWA World title so......there's that.
Thanks for reading...feel free to share your thoughts on the subject on Twitter or Facebook
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Retro Cheap Heat Radio w/"J.C. Ice" Jamie Dundee!
A Wrestling Podcast Game Show !! New STS !! Who Wants To Want To Be The Best Shizniter EVER?? IV
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
"Wayne's World" - Evolution of Pro Wrestling
Grab some popcorn and get ready for another edition of “Wayne’s World”. After traveling to so many different regions and meeting guys and girls with different backgrounds, I’ve come to the conclusion that pro wrestling is as hot as it’s ever been…just on a different scale.
As a kid, I would sit upstairs at the Mid-South Coliseum with Jerry Jarrett and others, watching the matches in front of several thousand wild fans. It was more than a decade after the weekly sell outs but business was still booming in the early 90s. It was around this time, that the business was evolving. ECW was becoming a big deal and Memphis was soon to have Kurt Angle, the Rock and others come through before becoming megastars. Depending on who you ask, the business was falling apart though. It’s been this way for years, one generation remembers how it was when they started and the next generation has their own ideas of what it could be. The weird part, is neither generation is wrong on how they feel.
There was a time when tv ratings and viewership was the main indication of success. Sure, house shows and main towns needed to draw, as well. But companies based which towns to run on the numbers their tv did in that market. This was the tv era and arguably the hottest wrestling has ever or will ever be. Stars were being created before our very eyes and everyone was making a real living. My grandfather bought a brand new Cadillac and paid cash, just from one week’s worth of business! This is the era that many of today’s purists refer to as the right way and only way that pro wrestling should be presented. It was an era of tough guys that for one reason or another only fit in to the wild and crazy world of pro wrestling. Could you imagine Bruiser Brody, Missing Link, or the Fargos doing anything else?! Like anything, this would all change.
Like tv, radio, movies and music.. everything changes. The foundation of pro wrestling is still apparent in most situations- a technical contest or fight between trained athletes. What has changed the most during this “evolution” is the presentation of pro wrestling. There was a time when pro wrestling was meant to be as realistic as possible and anything else was frowned upon. There was also a time when Tv ratings were the most important thing to a company(i.e. “Monday night wars”) Over the years, and with the internet and social media being so dominant, this has changed as much as anything else. This isn’t to say that ratings don’t matter, but there are now multiple avenues to view pro wrestling than tv alone. There are also now multiple brands of pro wrestling than ever before. With these different brands naturally come different styles of something as old as time. Cause ya know the Romans wrestled naked, maybe we should go back to that model..
The best part about pro wrestling today is that there are big shows and small shows every single day of the week. Most of these companies have a great online following so whether there are 50 paid fans or 5000, there is more of a reason than ever to stand apart from the next person. Decades ago, not everyone could claim they were a pro wrestler and now, anyone can be trained and find a place to wrestle. This means good and bad things for wrestling purists. In most cases, the new generation is likely poorly trained, through no fault of their own. After all, pro wrestling is fake and easy…anyone can teach how to do it. That’s why we all have to learn more patience with these type of guys because they have to learn. The way this business was is gone. It won’t come back because the next generation is different from the guys and girls before them. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just a fact of evolution. The best part, poorly trained or not, is the generation of guys and girls willing to do anything to be taken seriously. Whether it’s crazy and "uncalled for" spots or driving insane miles just for an opportunity…most of them WANT to be successful.
Success means different things to different people. Today’s society has created stars out of nothing(cash me ousside, how bout dat?!) So why expect anything less from pro wrestling? Whether it’s in front of thousands and someone is getting dick flipped or it’s in front of dozens and it’s a crazy bump. Why does it matter? The purpose of pro wrestling is to entertain the people that pay to sit or stand and react to what they find entertaining. Pro wrestling today can be absolutely as serious or comedic as we want. It can be in a small packed bar on a Sunday or in a big venue with lights and fancy sets. That’s what makes pro wrestling so incredible! It’s one thing that can unite everyone of all races, sex, and lifestyles. After all, where else will you hear a “He sucks dick” chant followed by “Equal rights”?
Follow Eric Wayne on Twitter @MrWatchTheLeft for updates and for booking information e-mail BookEricNow@gmail.com
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
NEW STS !! Konnan's Keepin It 100's producer joins Lance & BT !!
Monday, August 7, 2017
WECW Wrestling 8/4 Results
August 4th 2017
Ripley Mississippi
Sunday, August 6, 2017
10 Things That Wrestling Forgot ! Cool Kids Countdown !
Happy Birthday Rose Jackson!!
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Rosey starring in an ROH television commercial in 2012 |
Friday, August 4, 2017
This Day in Wrestling History: Smoky Mountain Wrestling presents the SUPERBOWL OF WRESTLING 1995
August 4, 1995 in Knoxville, TN
Civic Coliseum drawing 5,000 ($37,500)
1) Brian Armstrong pinned D-Lo Brown (8:00)
2) The Headbangers beat Flash Flanagan & Chris Michaels when Mosh pinned Michaels (11:40)
3) USWA Tag Champs PG-13 beat Jackie Fulton & Curtis Thompson when JC Ice pinned Fulton
4) The Punisher pinned Bob Armstrong (3:40)
5) Al Snow pinned Marty Jannetty (28:32) to win the MTW Title
6) NWA World Champ Dan Severn beat Bobby Blaze (4:04) via submission
7) Terry Gordy & Tommy Rich beat The Mongolian Stomper & Boo Bradley (10:56) when Rich pinned Bradley
8) Brad Armstrong pinned Billy Jack Haynes (9:32) to win the USWA Title
9) The Undertaker pinned Unabom (14:46)
10) The Heavenly Bodies beat Tracy Smothers & The Dirty White Boy (21:27) to win the SMW Tag Title when Jim Del Rey pinned Anthony11) WWF I-C Champ Shawn Michaels pinned Buddy Landel (13:42)
You can watch the show on youtube HERE!!