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If this is your first time checking out the website, WELCOME! We plan to utilize this website to help promote the sport of professional ...
Monday, July 31, 2017
This day in wrestling history: WWF WrestleFest '88
Sunday, July 30, 2017
"Wayne's World" - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (pro wrestling in the South)
Welcome back! Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare reboot this thing and NOT give everyone something worth reading. Pro wrestling in 2017 has been such a wild ride for all of us and we’re in the middle of another boom period. So many good people are getting shots, young kids are burning up the roads and overall, it’s a good time to be alive. Eh, unless you solely work in the South. It’s ok, this isn’t going to be full of negativity..in fact mostly the opposite. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter(@MrWatchTheLeft) then you already know I’m not a huge fan of most southern promotions or ideals. In fact, I hate a lot of it. But there are also a lot of good things in the South. The title speaks for itself, so let’s get this train rolling.
The Good-
If you don’t believe our business has cycles, I recommend doing more research. A decade ago, southern wrestling was on life support. Perseverance paid off though and the cycle took an upswing in recent years. Fans of pro wrestling took the leap and got involved. They started running shows, wrestling, and just plain getting involved. I say fans because there is a difference in being a fan and being a “mark” but that’s a whole subject for another day. The bottom line is there are now places for the boys to work almost every single day now. A decade ago, it was hard enough to put together a two or three day loop. These days, in the South alone, you can do a four day loop and usually go home with money in your pocket. Guys like Bert Prentice, James Carver, Jesse Butler, Josh Wheeler, Dan Sawyer, Jack Lord, Kevin Lawler, Jay Andrews, and more are running multiple events monthly. Thanks guys! They’re using some pretty sick talent too. If y’all aren’t booking Marko Stunt, Rey Fury, Alex Cruz, Myron Reed, Curt Stallion, Charles Zanders, Logan Creed, AJ Gray, Deven Dixon, Kevin Zion, and at least a dozen others, I highly recommend doing it before its too late. Because of all the fresh blood being pumped in to the scene, there's no more life support and it's evident in the weekly and monthly shows all over the region. More and more fans are filling up the armories, civic centers, bars and other venues to see what all the talk is about. Whether you're a fan of old fashioned punch and kick wrestling or the newer "evolved" style, there's something for everyone on any given weekend. With social media taking over, it's even easier to find too. Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, Periscope, YouTube and more are exposing more fans to more people than ever before.
The Bad-
Unfortunately, there are still some bad spots in the South. In fact, it’s one of the worst areas for this subject. Let’s face it, the same problems occur in every single region of the country but the South seems to be leading the way. The bad side of our industry, will never go away. There will always be drama and silly problems that when you tell them to outsiders, will likely laugh and shake their head. The “high school drama” is strong in the South. We’re talking about the lack of professionalism and “all about me” mindset. We’ve all experienced the egos of guys and girls that have never traveled more than fifty miles from home and are only stars to their friends and families. We’ve all experienced the subpar venues and lack of staff or office people that know what they’re doing. It’s a situation we all hope to avoid and eventually move on to the next level of our industry but no matter how far we go, we all revisit these places. I’ve met some of the biggest stars in some of the worst situations or venues. It’s going to happen. Either we avoid it or we help it as best we can. Sometimes that means not saying anything unless asked or speaking up when no one else will. Sadly, the good is still outnumbered in this respect but it’s slowly changing. Let’s keep up the good work y’all.
The Ugly-
Ugh. Do we have enough time for this?? It’s the South. For every good company, promoter, wrestler out there, there seems to be a dozen that are a step above backyarders. The worst part is no one realizing that fact. The “shindies” are everywhere but they are strong in the South. There are plenty of seedy venues and even seedier people working there. This is the under belly of our business. The places you start out because it’s not real pro wrestling. These are usually the under trained and poorly trained wrestlers and referees that either don’t care or don’t know. It’s places and people like these that will never go away. We can all band together and pass any legislation we want, they will still exist. They say only cockroaches will survive a nuclear attack…so will the shindies. This is the place where you see wrestlers with not one athletic bone in their body. Typically wearing t-shirts and generic pleather shorts- they represent every negative image of this magnificent business. They are usually the ones that train people without finishing their own training. These places and people are typically beyond help but keep an open mind if you find yourself there. There might be a diamond in the rough waiting for someone to discover them.
The good, the bad, and the ugly will always exist y’all. There will always be people out there in every category, so help where you can or ask for help when you can. In fact, ask for help no matter where you are because there will always be something new to learn. This crazy business, like it or not, is always changing and evolving. We can stay comfortable or we can step out of our comfort zone. The choice is ours to make.
Follow Eric Wayne on Twitter @MrWatchTheLeft for updates. For booking information, e-mail BookEricNow@gmail.com
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Cheap Heat: The Story of Twin States Wrestling
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Jimmy Rave after defeating Chase Owens for the Twin States Title |

Friday, July 28, 2017
Pics from Wrestlecade 2016....Look for exclusive coverage of Wrestlecade 2017 here at LocalsToLegends.com this November
Ted Dibiase heel turn in the WWF June 1987???
Most folks just assume that Ted Dibiase's debut in the WWF in 1987 was as 'the Million Dollar Man' however that's not the case. Dibiase had debuted on the WWF shows in Houston as a babyface in a feud with another former Mid South/UWF alumni the One Man Gang. They went with this for a few weeks on the local shows but had Dibiase turn heel on Sam Houston the day before his new 'Million Dollar Man' vignettes were set to premier on the WWF syndicated shows and on USA Network. If you've never seen this (and I assume like myself most of you haven't) check it out!
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Gordon Solie called his final match in WCW, 22 years ago this month and passed away 17 years ago today
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"The Dean of Wrestling Announcers" Gordon Solie |
It's really cool to get a chance to meet some of the great announcers at the conventions we attend like Bill Mercer, Bob Caudle, and I really wish I would have the opportunity to meet the great Gordon Solie. You can check out the video here of Gordon's final match he called in WCW alongside Dusty Rhodes and Larry Zybyszko. However if you really want to hear him at his best, check out this youtube playlist and check out classic Georgia Championship Wrestling, Continental Championship Wrestling, and Florida Championship Wrestling.
"10 Count" featuring NWA Mid-South's Jakob Edwin
With that being said, WHO will lead us in to tomorrow? WHO will teach us about the past? WHO is out there putting a body every 18 inches?
On "10 Count", you'll be introduced to some of the best talent in the wrestling world today.
British Grappling, the World of Sport. Daniel Bryan, Stone Cold, Jake the Snake, The Rockers and Brainbusters.
STS Special Edition !! Flashback about Memphis Heat ! Storytime with BT
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
New Episode of Shooting the Shiznit !! Famous wrestling photographer !!
The Journey of a Journeyman: Psycho, Sellout, Smasher, Smoky Smothers
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Cheap Heat returns soon here at Locals to Legends.com!!
First off, I want to welcome everyone to LocalsToLegends.com. I'm super excited about all the great content we have in store here at the site. A lot of great wrestlers and personalities have come onboard to contribute to the site in the form of columns, results, upcoming shows, podcasts, videos, and tons of other fun pro wrestling related stuff! I can't wait to see how big this can grow into and help everyone invovled promote the sport they love...pro wrestling.
As for me, I plan to contribute in a variety of ways....perhaps a new podcast of some sort until Neil and I can bring back Locals to Legends Wrestling Radio. I plan to post various features old and new but something I'm excited about is I'm going to bring back my old column from years past 'Cheap Heat'! This is just an introductory column like some of the other guys have been doing but starting next week I plan to start posting weekly about random topics. Hopefully it will be as fun as it was in past incarnations on other websites. If you'd like to join in on the fun, shoot me an email at genejackson95@gmail.com and I'll make you an author so you too can share to the page whether it's a column, posters for your upcoming shows or links to your wrestling podcast or youtube videos..we'd love to have you on the team!!
See ya next week!
Add/Follow me on social media:
Here is the calendar I've been working on for fans and workers alike. Thought it would be handy for some of you trying to fill some dates. I'll try my best to update it every week or so. gonna limit this to MS, TN, AL, AR, KY, SC, NC, GA, FL, LA, OH, IL, IN and TX. Message me here or on Facebook to add or remove dates. Maybe some of you can make some use of this.
Monday, July 24, 2017
The Journey of a Journeyman: Introduction
I want to thank Gene Jackson and LocalsTo Legends.com for the opportunity to write this blog. I do not have a set guidelines for what I will discuss here, as this is a new experience for me. My plan is to bring you a view of the independent wrestling business through a self-proclaimed "journeyman" wrestler. New towns and new experiences, as well as my views and opinions on things, which admittedly can be polarizing. Also, I want to use this as therapy, of sorts. The journey is not always a positive one, so at times the blogs may be a bit of a downer. With that said, I think it is important to document both the good and the bad, as it is the hills and valleys that define the journey and mold the man.
With that said, allow me to tell you a little about me. My name is Jeremiah Plunkett. I was born in raised in Murfreesboro, TN, the geographic center of the state. I began wrestling in July of 2005. I was initially trained by "Mean" Mike Woods, Buzz Dupp, and "The Outlaw" Lee Condry. I have performed all over the South, Midwest, and a little in the Northeast, as well as 1 tour of Western Australia.
Outside of "the business", I am a cat dad (Monkee and Elephant). I currently live in Lascassas, TN, where I reside in a 39' Fleetwood Mallard travel trailer (which offers it's own set of quirks and frustrations that I'm sure will make it's way into the writings). I'm a fan of horror movies, podcasts, and, of course, professional wrestling.
I look forward to sharing my journey with you, the reader. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you, and potentially meeting new people through this looking glass. So I invite you to jump in the passenger seat, reach in the ice chest, and enjoy the ride. We have some towns to make.
- Jeremiah Plunkett
My Links
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Plunkitis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plunkitis/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Plunkitis/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/JeremiahPlunkett
Website: http://jeremiahplunkett.weebly.com/
Pro Wrestling Tees: http://www.prowrestlingtees.com/wrestler-t-shirts/jeremiah-plunkett.html
COLLARxELBOW: www.collarandelbowbrand.com DISCOUNT CODE: PLUNKIE
Sunday, July 23, 2017
"Wayne's World" - Introduction
Welcome to the reboot of "Wayne's World" here on L2L. Thank you to Gene Jackson for the opportunity and to all of you taking time to read my thoughts and opinions.
I suppose an introduction is in order before we go down this road. My first match was in November of 2006,but for twenty years before that I was fortunate enough to grow up in this crazy business. My grandfather was Buddy Wayne, who was synonymous with the Memphis territory for decades, first as a wrestler and later as a promoter. My father traveled North America working in Canada for Stampede, as well as most of the United States and Mexico, was a semi-star in Continental in the mid-80s as 1/2 of the Nightmares with OVW founder Danny Davis. His last big run was in 1995 for WWC in Puerto Rico, where he tragically found his childhood friend Eddie Gilbert after dying in his sleep from a heart attack.
Eleven years later.. after helping promote shows, setting up and tearing down rings and chairs, refereeing countless matches, and hundreds of hours of training in the ring and gym..I finally wore light blue spandex trunks and made my debut in front a sold out 40 people at a VFW in Arkansas. Since then, I've been lucky enough to meet legends, Hall of Famers, current stars and the next generation of wrestlers all over the country. I was privileged to have a few extra spots for WWE in 2009, 2010 and a random last minute spot in 2014. While it didn't result in a contract, learning from the absolute best in our industry is worth it and something I'd suggest to anyone who takes their craft seriously.
I've called this a "reboot" because not long after my debut, I was asked to start writing for a now-defunct website. At the time, I thought I was going to change the world with what I had to say. I'd watched something I loved so much transform in to something that made me bitter and angry. I hated the people that made this business a joke and essentially threw away my filter when writing. I made my point very quickly and made people hate me in the process. But I learned from it, A LOT..mostly that while there are lots of people that want help and to improve, there are more that simply don't care. Negativity doesn't help anyone and while I inadvertently slowed my career with the columns, I learned that none of us improve alone.
Fast forward to 2017 and I've developed the attitude I should have had years ago. Helping others benefits more than just the ones we help. Being open minded in criticism and new ideas will help all of us and the fans will only appreciate what we do even more. Don't be shocked though, we all have opinions and over the course of these columns, I'll be sharing them as well as anything else that might be interesting.
Thanks for spending a few minutes reading my rambling ..if you enjoy this please share! (If not, please share so others know what you're burying)
Follow Eric Wayne on Twitter @MrWatchTheLeft for all updates and for booking info email BookEricnow@gmail.com
This day in wrestling history: July 23, 1989 NWA Great American Bash '89: The Glory Days
On this day in 1989, The Great American Bash pay-per-view took place. One of my favorite pay-per-views of that year. Here's the results: